Follow our Reggio Emilia Inspired class to see what students are learning at Prince Edward Public School. Visit often, borrow ideas to enhance learning at home, and most importantly, discuss with your child their--- PLAYFUL LEARNING, EXPLORATIONS, and DISCOVERIES at school.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Check out the learning in December

These students built a city on top of the sand table. "It is a water city with dolphin's around it and water of course" exclaimed one of the girls. "We made it tall and the people live at the top" said the other student.

We have been exploring 2-D and 3-D shapes and figures throughout our program. The children were excited with our large geo board that Mrs. DeYoung brought in for the class to explore.

Today when the children arrived, we added yarn. It's awesome how the children attached the yarn to make their shape pictures almost immediately.

"We made a flower bed for the dance show!"

These girls asked me to take pictures as they walked closer to me. They wanted to see how the picture looked as they got closer ...

The children have been making stages and trying to create music by banging on the blocks. Mrs. DeYoung challenged them by asking them; "How can we make different sounds?"

They first tried hitting the blocks at different speeds and strengths. The next challenge we gave them was; "I wonder what it would sound like using other items in the block centre?"

At the water table this week, Mrs. Olafson put in different items for the children to explore transferring water from different containers. They enjoyed pouring the water and exploring ways to make the mill spin fast and slow.

Colour mixing

We put containers with water and the dried out markers in the water table for them to explore....

 Building and constructing is popular with all the children.

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