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Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Gingerbread Man

Most of the children in the class have been pretending to bake things. They have turned the blocks, the drama centre and play dough centre into a bakery. They have also asked to go to the kitchen to bake something, several different times. We decided to read them some of the Gingerbread stories and of course bake some cookies.

We all helped out with baking the cookies.

After making the cookies, we went back to class and Mrs. Olafson read "The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School" by Laura Murray, while they cooked.  When we were finished reading the story, we went down to check on the cookies to see if they were ready to decorate them and of course, eat them.

When we got to the kitchen our cookies were gone.....

We only found cookie crumbs and a clue that started us on our hunt for the cookies.

We followed the first clue,
"I got bored waiting for you so I went down the hall to look for a ball."

We found the next clue in the gym.

The next clue..

which led us to the office

Then our next clue was....

"Go to where we learn."

Which led us to....

Finally, we found our cookies safely back in our classroom; ready to decorate and eat. 

We still don't know who moved our cookies and left all of those clues to find them!!! We all had fun hunting for our cookies and solving the clues along the way. 

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