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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sharing Time

Throughout the "Full Day Learning Program", the children are assessed in many areas over the two year program. One area that is assessed is Social Development. In Social Development we look at their ability to express their needs as well as their interests. We find that a "Sharing Time" is a perfect time to assess this. The children sign a board and depending on the day, there can be 3-5 spots to sign up. The children first present their idea to the teacher, then may have a chance to sign up for that day. We decided to challenge the children and have them represent their item with a picture and words once they were finished building.

The finished creation was presented to a teacher. 

Working on drawing their finished creation.

Adding some words to their drawing.

Reading and excited to share with their peers.

When the children present during sharing time, they are encouraged to share three interesting facts about their creation.

Here are more examples of children that represented their sharing creations with a picture and words.
This student presented her car.
She said her car goes fast and takes pictures.
She also shared that the camera is on the tallest part so she can take pictures  far and close.

This student presented her picture and speed boat.
She said it can float on the water and also fly because it has wings. She also told the class that it can carry all her family and friends too.

This student decided to paint a picture of his car. He said that painting would be easier then drawing. When he presented, he told the class that it was a car now but could turn into anything. He also told the class that it was a transformer and was very very very fast. It was so fast because it has an extra wheel on the back.

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