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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Standard and Non-Standard Measurement

The children have taken an interest in Bears recently. They are interested in how big they are and why they sleep or hibernate all winter.

We invited them to bring a stuffed friend to school.

During a large group activity, Mrs. DeYoung asked them, "I wonder who has the biggest stuffed animal?"  After some comparing, they decided we should line them up to find this out. We explained that when lining them up they all have to start at the same point. We decided to use a yard stick.

A large group of students showed an interest in measuring so we put out different measuring tools throughout the classroom.

They even worked together to measure Mrs. DeYoung. 

They also used a collection of hearts from the Writing Center and we compared the number of hearts to the numbers they found on the measuring tape.

How many hearts tall is she....?

How tall is the cabinet?

This student wanted to make her building taller than her. When she was finished she asked me to take a picture but before I showed her the picture she said, " Hmm, I think I need 1 more." 

When I took the picture this time, she stood tall and as you can see she had a big smile and said, "This time I did it!"  She was very excited when she saw this picture.

Before it fell over, this student said, "Its bigger than me because I just go to here." 

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